自动化学术论坛[2024第1-6期]:波兰绿山大学Wojciech Paszke副教授学术报告会

男人戴着帽子和眼镜描述已自动生成  人:Wojciech Paszke,波兰绿山大学(University of Zielona Gora)副教授

系列主题:Machine Learning and Iterative Learning Control


报告时间:312日(星期二)10:05 – 11:40


报告题目:Introduction to Iterative Learning control

主要内容:Introduction to Iterative Learning control. This lecture provides some basics on iterative learning control. These facts will be presented in connection with the practical applications of ILC. ome links with 2-D systems are described too.


报告时间:314日(星期四)8:00 – 9:35


报告题目:Analysis, performance and robustness of ILC

主要内容:Analysis, performance and robustness. This lecture describes in details the most important issues for ILC analysis and synthesis. It proposes and analyzes major techniques and methods for these purposes and shows some advantages and disadvantages of time and frequency domain methods.


报告时间:314日(星期四)10:05 – 11:40


报告题目:Standard design procedures for ILC schemes

主要内容:Standard design procedures for ILC schemes. During this lecture we will explore several well known approaches to design ILC schemes. This allows to presents the relationships among these design methods and indicates essential factors for improving tracking performance. With some intuitive examples this lecture will make the content more accessible.


报告时间:315日(星期五)16:05 – 17:40


报告题目:Elements of multidimensional systems and repetive processes theory and applications

主要内容:Multi-dimensional systems dynamics and signals are dependent on more than one indeterminate. These are usually time and spatial variables. However, in various applications, as e.g. later discussed Iterative Learning Control, they can be the number of the system action execution (trial). Hence, they are governed by differential or difference (discrete case) or mixed equations in many indeterminates.

In this lecture the basics of multidimensional signals and systems and also repetive processes treated from this point of view will be presented. Some basic models and applications will be shown and discussed.


报告时间:317日(星期日)8:00 – 9:35


报告题目:Repetitive processes theory and applications – continuation

主要内容:Repetitive processes are the particular case of multidimensional systems where except time, the number of repetition serves as an additional system indeterminate. This represents the situation where the process dynamics dep[ends on the previous (in time) system states but also on its previous execution.

In this lecture, properties and control of various repetitive process models and their applications will be discussed, from the standpoint of multidimensional systems.


报告时间:318日(星期一)8:00 – 9:35


报告题目:Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

主要内容:Iterative learning control can be applied to systems that execute the same finite duration task over and over again. The distinguishing feature is the use of information from previous executions to construct the input to the next one in the sequence, including time domain information that would be non-causal in standard control systems. Many algorithms or laws have been developed for an ever increasing range of applications.

Iterative learning control, or ILC for short, has been developed for such systems where the distinguishing feature is the use of information from previous trials to update the control signal applied on the next one. In particular, once the system has completed each trial, the complete information generated is available for use in computing the control signal to be applied on the next trial with the aim of sequentially improving performance from trial-to-trial. A major application area for both these approaches is industrial robotics, but many others have also arisen in the engineering domain as e.g. motor control and many others.

Based on the previous lectures, various schemes of Iterative Learning Control (ILC), together with particular solutions and applications will be presented. In particular, ILC has been extended to encounter guaranteed cost control methods, feedforward techniques and the use of disturbance observer. The results have been highlighted by experimental testing of PMSM Position Control system.

报告人简介:Wojciech Paszke was born in Zielona Gora, Poland, in 1975. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees, both in electrical engineering, from the Technical University of Zielona Gora, in 2000 and 2005, respectively. Between 2008 and 2010 he was affiliated to Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, where he has been a control systems expert on high precision positioning of electron microscope. Currently, he is affiliated to the Institute of Automation, Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Zielona Gora, Poland. His major interest is mainly in the field of multidimensional (nD) systems, repetitive processes, iterative learning control schemes and convex optimization techniques for solving of robust control problems. Wojciech Paszke is serving as Editor for Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (Springer-Verlag).