


人:大西公平教授,日本庆应义塾大学Prof. Kouhei Ohnishi, Keio University, Japan

报告题目:From Real Haptics to Soft Robotics

内容简介:We can immediately know what the object is when we touch it. If the object is soft, it must be a sponge (or similar thing). If it is rigid, it may be a metal block. That sensation is an ability of the human being called “haptic sense”. “Real-haptics” is a technology to reconstruct haptic sense by acquiring dynamic physical information that is transferred bi-directionally between the surrounding environment and the human. An abandonment of haptics causes difficulty in further advance in automated machine, or may even result in threatening the safety and security of the process.

Maybe large gap between real human and robot comes from the excessive expectation induced at first from the S.F. movie entitled "Metropolis" released in 1926. In fact, the artificial machine has been developed from the machine tool. The performance has been measured by its stiffness almost proportional to the forward gain in the servo control. High stiffness seems to give high performance, however it loses compliant motion. The robot motion based on the existing servo system is quite stiff and generates the motion far from the human action.

Soft robotics is a new concept coming from real haptics. This gives not only compliant motion but also skillful motion to the robot and/or mechatronics. The talk will show the structure of motion control together with its implementation including a newly developed “haptic core-chip”. The talk will introduce various applications with visual demonstrations.

报告人简介:Prof. Kouhei Ohnishi received B.E. (1975), M.E.(1977) and Ph.D.(1980) all in electrical engineering from the University of Tokyo. Since 1980, he has been with Keio University, and is Professor at Dept. of System Design Engineering. He served as a President of the IEEE IES (2008- 2009). He also served as a President at the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (2015 -2016). He is a Life Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of IEEJ. He received numerous awards including Dr.-Ing. Eugene Mittelmann Achievement Award from the IEEE IES in 2004, Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon in 2016 from His Majesty the Emperor and IEEJ Meritorious Contribution Award in 2017. He is a member of the Science Council of Japan.