


人:陈杰,香港城市大学(City University of Hong Kong)教授

报告题目:Optimizing PID Controllers for Maximal Delay Robustness

内容简介:For well over a century, PID control, one of the rare gems of frequency-domain analysis, stood out as the most favored method for its simplicity, robustness, ease of implementation and cost-effectiveness. It continues to demonstrate its sustained power and inexplicable charm, serving an awe-inspiring testimony to its incredible vitality and widespread acceptance by industrial control communities. Traditionally, the design and implementation of PID controllers are conducted by somewhat ad hoc, trial and error tuning methods. One must then wonder, with its seemingly simplistic structure and ad hoc rules of design, why on the earth PID control is good? How good can it be? What is its fundamental limitation? In this talk I shall attempt to provide an anecdote and an analysis to these contemplations, using delay robustness as a pilot problem. We address the canonical problem of delay margin, which defines the largest range of unknown, variable, and possibly time-varying delay so that a system can be robustly stabilized via feedback. I shall present our recent triumphs in determining the delay margin achievable by PID control, focused on analytical characterization and numerical computation of the delay margin for first- and second-order systems. The solution to the problem, much to our delight, provides analytical justifications to folk wisdom of one hundred years on PID controller tuning and design.

报告人简介:Jie Chen is a Chair Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. He received the B.S. degree in aerospace engineering from Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xian, China in 1982, the M.S.E. degree in electrical engineering, the M.A. degree in mathematics, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering, all from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1985, 1987, and 1990, respectively.

Prior to joining City University, he was with School of Aerospace Engineering and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia from 1990 to 1993, and with University of California, Riverside, California from 1994 to 2014, where he was a Professor and served as Professor and Chair for the Department of Electrical Engineering. His main research interests are in the areas of linear multivariable systems theory, system identification, robust control, optimization, time-delay systems, networked control, and multi-agent systems. He is the author of several books, on subjects ranging from system identification to time delay systems, and to information-theoretic control and fundamental control limitations.

An elected Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of AAAS, Fellow of IFAC and a Yangtze Scholar/Chair Professor of China, Dr. Chen was a recipient of 1996 US National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2004 SICE International Award, and 2006 Natural Science Foundation of China Outstanding Overseas Young Scholar Award. He was an IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Distinguished Lecturer and served on the IEEE CSS Board of Governors and as the IEEE CSS Chapter Activities Chair. He also served on a number of journal editorial boards, as an Associate Editor and a Guest Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, a Guest Editor for IEEE Control Systems Magazine, an Associate Editor for Automatica, and the founding Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Control Science and Engineering. He presently serves as an Associate Editor for SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, and for International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. Moreover, he routinely serves on program and organizing committees of international conferences, most recently as the General Chair of the 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications.